Jonathan Worthington
Latest news
The ongoing pandemic keeps conferences online; for whatever reason, I'm finding it hard to put together talks these days, but a few are happening. I gave a talk about Cro (slides, video) in spring, and soon will be speaking at the very first dedicated Raku conference about both of my major ongoing Raku projects: a new generalized dispatch mechanism for MoarVM, and a new Rakudo compiler frontend using an AST that is proposed to become part of the language specification, and underpin features such as custom compiler passes and macros.
I'm still very behind with updating my page about my attempt to cover the entire Czech railway network - although with COVID-19 keeping me at home for some time, at least there wasn't chance to get more behind.
Elsewhere online...
I blog about my work on Raku. Or at least, I used to; I'm still doing the work, but got less good at writing about it.
I've got some amount of code on my GitHub account - mostly Raku modules.
I'm @jnthnwrthngtn on Twitter, and even bother to tweet stuff occasionally.
See my consulting profile at Edument, the company I have worked for since 2010. I am co-founder of Edument Central Europe, based in Prague.
My Work
High quality software developer training and mentoring in software architecture, .Net, Git, Raku, and more. Software development consulting. Based in Sweden and the Czech Republic.
Employee #1, co-founder of Edument Central Europe sro.
A virtual machine for the Raku language, with dynamic optimization (type specialization, inlining, OSR, EA), parallel generational garbage collection, and great Unicode support.
Founder, architect, and lead developer.
Rakudo Perl 6
The leading Raku compiler, targetting MoarVM, the JVM, and soon JavaScript too. Written almost entirely in Raku, with full support for the 6.d language version.
Architect and lead developer.
Libraries for building reactive services in Raku, based around asynchronous pipelines implemented using Raku supplies. Supports HTTP(S), HTTP/2.0, web sockets, and more.
Founder, architect.
An IDE built on the IDEA platform for Raku. My contributions include the custom parser engine to achieve accurate Raku hightlighting and designing the MoarVM remote debug protocol.
Founder, product lead.
My Hobbies

Travel and Trains
I'm a keen traveller, having visited over 40 countires so far. I've managed to stand on every continent except Antarctica - which remains a dream! I am especially fond of train journeys; some of the most memorable were in Switzerland, China (especially the railway to Tibet), Japan, Russia (the classic Vladivostok to Moscow route), and New Zealand.

I find photography an enjoyable and creative experience, especially while travelling. I'm not into lugging around heavy equipment to get the best possible technical image; it's the composition of images that interests me more. These days I am using a Sony RX-100, which I'm plenty happy with. My photos adorn the front of my slide decks, and I make a photo calendar each year for family also.

A decade ago I really couldn't imagine cookery becoming one of my hobbies. These days, I find it a pleasant way to unwind after a day at the keyboard, or a nice way to while away some hours on a weekend. Indian cuisine is by far my favorite thing to cook - and, of course, to eat! A handful of spices and a frying pan have given way to a couple of shelves of spices, a karahi, and a tawa.